Founder, Rise Leaders
I have been at the forefront of leading-edge leadership transformation for over two decades. Cultivating the development and supporting the well-being of others is a thread running through my entire life.
I have worked in a variety of industries and sizes of business, coaching executives and helping organizations identify and achieve the ideals and results most important to them.
Experience reveals that a whole-system, a whole-person approach is foundational to sustainable change. And that trust and dignity are at the core of successful leadership. These are the foundations from which Rise Leaders works.
I believe business can be a force for good in the world and I am committed fuel for that vision.

The Name: Rise Leaders
Rise Leaders is inspired by Chogyam Trungpa Rinpoche’s concept of the Great Eastern Sun, as introduced in Shambhala: The Sacred Path of the Warrior. The rising sun is a symbol of gratefulness, responsibility, and resilience. It is a way of being in the world that is focused on creating positive outcomes, paying good fortune forward and serving the greater good. Of living a life of dignity and encouraging others in their efforts. Exemplary Leaders and Thriving Organizations embody these concepts.

LeeAnn is qualified in these instruments