As part of the Reimagine Leadership limited series, this is the first episode where we dig into content that we actually threaded throughout the program I developed for the Girl Scouts of Northeast Texas.

Jim Fallon is an Executive Coach for The Conscious Leadership Group and a Strategic Advisor for many organizations.  He spent decades as an executive for many organizations across various industries, which I feel results in a very grounded pragmatism in his approach.

We talk about the book, The 15 Commitments of Conscious Leadership, and specifically about the organizing principle of the book:  leading above and below the line.  

Here are a few highlights from our rich conversation:

  • Jim’s wake up call and why he transitioned from CEO to Executive Coach and Strategic Advisor.
  • The important distinction between content and context.
  • Another Big Idea of the book: To Me, By Me, Through Me, As Me.
  • A great description of Locating Yourself (above or below the line).
  • The power, and necessity of accepting ourselves when we find that we are ‘below the line’ (which happens regularly for most of us).
  • Jim does a walkthrough of the 15 Commitments with lots of context.
  • Try the novel and playful approach for teaching others how to get the results you DON’T want – another way that CLG has made this content easier to take in.
  • Jim gets vulnerable and provides a personal example of taking Radical Responsibility, which is Commitment #1.

Jim does a beautiful job of embodying the generous, humanizing content from The 15 Commitments of Conscious Leadership. As you listen, you hear in the conversation my own ah-ha moments and how this conversation will impact the way I explain some of these concepts in the next program.

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Conscious Leaders Group   

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Book:  The 15 Commitments of Conscious Leadership 

Locating Yourself handout: